Entries in Docker (2)


More Docker Moo

This weekend I finished updating my ToastStunt docker images to fix an issue with some file names and to also add support for PUID and PGID variables so that the containers can be run under a host user.  I'm pretty proud of these containers.  I owe a lot of thanks to the ToastStunt server community and to Lisdude specifically for helping overhaul one of my scripts that was not handling some parameter values with spaces in them properly.  Now it should be a piece of cake for anyone to fire up a ToastStunt moo server in a docker container.  Next I need to go back and add PUID and PGID support to the Lambdamoo server docker images as well.  One step at a time!


Edgerunner Moo and Docker Too

I recently dusted off the old server source code for the patched Lambdamoo server I used to run back in the day along with the rpg core I was building then.  I had thought the core might have been corrupted or that it would never load again due to using various server patched functions that don't exist in the base server, but I was wrong.  It then occurred to me that running my Moo from a Docker container would be an ideal approach.  After a quick search for Lambdamoo dockers and some testing, I realized that I didn't really care for the Moo dockers that existed, so I set forth to building my own.  During this journey I also decided that I needed to move my core to ToastStunt server, which seemed to be the clear winner of the various possibilities out there, since the Lambdamoo server source hasn't changed in over a decade.

After two weeks of speed learning, trial and error, I had working Docker images for both Lambdamoo server and ToastStunt server.  Since then I have been working to improve both images with community help and feedback.  Docker is absolutely wonderful to use, though developing for it has quite the learning curve (especially when your Linux knowledge is lacking).

It really is a wild ride to dive back into a passion project from nearly 25 years ago and learn many new skills as part of that project.  I have also shared a git repo of my moo server docker projects so people can see how the images are built.