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Demo Project for CSide Integration Library

I would like to say I will have a demo project posted soon, but I have been busy with other things lately.  Combine that with the fact that I will be visiting family/friends in the near future, and you get more delays.  My goal right now is to have something put together and posted up by June 11th.  As always, if anyone has any specific questions/feedback/suggestions about the library, drop me a line.

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Reader Comments (2)

don't worry and enjoy the time with your family/friends.
I will subscribe your Rss feed so it would be great if you could post here, when it's ready.

Does your library work with all versions of dynamics nav or only with one specific?
May 23, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKuranai
Sorry for the hibernation of this project. I got focused on other things and this project fell by the wayside for quite some time. I'm sure you have figured this out yourself by now, but in case you haven't, the library works with all versions of Nav that I'm aware of, including 2015. I have started focusing on my Navision related projects again lately and will be making many changes in the coming months/year. I have no timeline per se, but I will be updating this library some time in the coming months along with example projects. I will be adding in Async/Await support to a number of methods in the library as one of the updates.
March 16, 2015 | Registered CommenterThaddeus

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